Now Serving Cheyenne, Wyoming to Castle Rock, Colorado with more areas to come.


10465 Melody Dr. #305

Northglenn, CO 80234

E-Mail ABOLabs

Individual Blood Test Menu


Due to changes of various partnered labs, please call or email for current prices

Test Name

ABO Group & RH Type

AFP (Tumor Marker)           


Amenorrhea Panel           


Amylase, 24 Hour Urine

ANA Screen + 11 ANA Components

ANA Screen                     

11 ANA Components (no ANA Screen)


Anemia Panel

Antibody Screen

Apolipoprotein A-1 (Apo-A)

Apolipoprotein B (Apo-B)

Apolipoprotein Evaluation (Apo-A-1, Apo-B, Lpa)

Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Random Urine

Arthritis Panel

AutoImmune Analyzer

Basic Metabolic Panel

B-HCG, Qualitative, Urine 

B-HCG, Qualitative, Serum

Bilirubin, Direct

Bilirubin, Indirect and direct

Bilirubin, Total

Blood Parasite Smear

C.Difficile Toxin A&B

CA 15-3

CA 19-9                     

CA 27-29

Calcium, Serum                   

Calcium, 24 Hour Urine

Calcium, Random Urine

Cancer Panel, Female (CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CA 125)

Cancer Panel, Female Extended (AFP, B-HCG Qual., CEA, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CA 125)

Cancer Panel, Male (PSA Free & Total, CA 19-9)

Cancer Panel, Male Extended (PSA, Free & Total, CEA, CA 19-9, AFP, HCG

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)           

CardioPro Advanced

CardioPro Basic

CBC w/Diff


Celiac Disease Evaluation (TTG-A, DGP-A, TTG-G, DGP-G)

Centromere Abs

Chlamydia, Urine     

Chlamydia/Gonorrhea, Urine


Chloride, 24 Hour Urine

Cholesterol, Total             


CK, Total                       

Cytomegalovirus Ab., IgG

Complement C3

Complement C4

Comprehensive Metabolic Panel





Cryptosporidium, Stool         

Culture, Sputum/Lower Respiratory           

Culture, Urine, Catheterized

Culture, Urine, Void

Culture, Camp./Salm./Shig    stool

Culture, Campylobacter    stool   

Culture, Salmonella/Shig.     stool

Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide IgG Ab.

Cyclospora, Stool

Cytomegalovirus, IgM

Cytomegalovirus Ab., IgG

Deamidated Gliadin Peptide IgA

Deamidated Gliadin Peptide IgG


DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

DNA Ab., d-s

Drugs of Abuse Screen, Urine       

E. Coli Shiga Toxins

Electrolyte Panel 

Epstein Barr Early Ag, IgG

Epstein Barr Evaluation (EBVCG, EBNAG, EDEAG, EBVCM)

Epstein Barr Heterophile Ag ,IgM

Epstein Barr Nuclear Ag ,IgG

Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Ag ,IgG

Epstein Barr Viral Capsid Ag ,IgM

Estradiol (E2) 

Estriol (E3)

Estrogens, Total

Estrone (E1)

Fecal Fat Stain, Qualitative

Fecal Leukocytes Stain



Free Thyroxine Index



Giardia Ag Detect., w/Reflex to O&P


Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD), Quant.

Glucose, Fasting, Plasma       

Glucose, Gestational, 1Hr       

Glucose, 24 Hour Urine

Glucose, Random Urine


Growth Hormone

H. Pylori Ab., IgG


HCG (Testicular Tumor)         

HCG, Total

HDL Cholesterol             

Heavy Metals Screening, Urine (Arsenic, Lead, Mercury)

Heavy Metals Screening, Whole Blood (Arsenic, Lead, Mercury)

Heavy Metals, 21 Toxic, Urine

Heavy Metals, 21 Toxic/16 Nutritional, Urine

Hemoglobin A1C

Hep A Ab, IgM           

Hep A Ab Total w/Reflex to IgM

Hep A, B, C Ab Panel w/Reflex

Hep B Core Ab, IgM

Test Name

Hep B Core Ab, Total w /Reflex to IgM

Hep B Surface Ab

Hep B Surface Ag w/Con

Hep C Ab

Hepatic Function Panel

Herpes I & II IgG

Herpes I, IgG

Herpes II, IgG

HIV 5th Generation (Ag-Ab Screen, HIV1-Ab, HIV1-Ag, HIV2-Ab)



Immunoglobulin A (IgA Total)

Immunoglobulin E (IgE Total)

Immunoglobulin G (IgG Total)

Immunoglobulin M (IgM Total)

Immunoglobulins G, A, M

Insulin, Fasting

Iron Total Binding Capacity, Total

Iron, Total

Jo-1 Abs

LDL Cholesterol, measured

Lipid Panel


Lithium (Eskalith)             

Lyme Disease Ab w/Reflex to Blot 


Magnesium, 24 Hour Urine

Magnesium, Random Urine

Malaria Smear (Blood Parasite)

Measles (Rubeola) IgG

Microalbumin/Cre Ratio       

Measles, Mumps, Rubella

Microalbumin, 24 Hour Urine

MMRV Evaluation (MSL, MUMP, RUB, VZ)

Mono Test (Epstein Barr Heterophile Ag IgM)     

Mumps Abs, IgG


Neisseria gonorrhea, Urine

NMR LipoProfile

O&P w/Permanent Stain     

O&P x3 +Giardia Ag. w/PS 

Obstetric Panel

Phosphorus, Serum 

Phosphorus, 24 Hour Urine

Phosphorus, Random Urine


Platelet Count

Potassium, Serum

Potassium, 24 Hour Urine

Potassium, Plasma

Potassium, Random Urine


Pregnancy Test, Serum (Quantitative)



Protein, Total

Protein, 24 Hour Urine

Protein, Random Urine

PSA Free and Total

PSA, Total (mcr Scr)

PT with INR

PTH, Intact

PTT, Activated

Quantiferon TB Gold Plus 4th Gen

Renal Function Panel

Reticulocyte Count

Reverse T3

Rheumatoid Arthritis Profile (ANA, RF, CCP)

Rheumatoid Factor

Ribosomal P Abs


RPR W/ Reflex to (1357 Syphilis & 337 RPR Titer)

Rubella IgM

Rubella Immune Status

Rubella Qual Ab., IgG

Rubella Quant Ab., IgG

Salivary Adrenal Profile (Cortisol x4, 17-OHP, DHEA)

Salivary Cortisol x4

Saliva Hormone Blueprint (4 Days)

Saliva Hormone Female Evaluator (11 Days)

Saliva Hormone Female Evaluator Plus (11 Days)

Scl-70 Abs

Sd LDL- (Small Dense Lipid)

Sed Rate (Westergren)

Serotonin, Serum

SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

Sickle Cell Screen (Hemoglobin Solubility)             

Sm (Smith) Abs

Sm/RNP Abs

Sodium, Random Urine

Sodium, 24 Hour Urine

SS-A (RO) Abs

SS-B (La) Abs

STD Panel

STD Panel, Comprehensive

T3, Free

T3, Total                   

T4, Free

T4, Total

Testosterone, Total

Testosterone, Bioavailable (Total, Free, Bio-Available, SHBG)

Testosterone, Free & Total w/SHBG

Thyroglobulin Abs

Thyroid Panel (Free T3, Free T4, TSH)

Thyroid Panel Comprehensive (FT3, FT4, TSH, TGA Abs, TPO Abs, RT3)

Thyroid Peroxidase Abs

Tissue Transglutaminase IgA

Tissue Transglutaminase IgG

Torch Panel (TOX, RUB, CMV, HRP1, HRP2)

Toxoplasma Gondi, Quant. IgG




Urea, Random Urine

Urea, 24 Hour Urine

Uric Acid, Serum

Urinalysis, Microscopic

Urinalysis, No Reflex

Urinalysis w/Reflex to Culture

Urine Culture (Void)

Varicella Zoster Virus Ab., IgG

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 & Folate

Vitamin D, 25-OH, LC/MS/MS (D2, D3, Total)

Vitamin D, 25-OH, Total

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